Time: 1821-1910
School: Geneva Medical College
Where: New York, USA
What did she do:
* First woman do get accepted and graduate from an American medical school
* With colleagues, founded the New York Infirmary for Women and Children
* Helped form the WCAR (Women's Central Association for Relief) during the Civil War
and trained a unit of field nurses.
* Founded the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary, the first women's
medical school.
* With colleagues, founded the London School of Medicine and was the Professor of
Gynecology there until 3 years before her death.
Inspired by: A friend who had recently had her gynecological ailment treated by a man and
claimed how she would have been spared from such an embarrassing ordeal if
she was treated by a female instead.
This was just a brief overview of Blackwell, please see the biography and timeline for a much
clearer understanding of her life and achievements.